Level crossing in Oxfordshire closes, replaced by temporary footbridge

A temporary footbridge has replaced the level crossing at Tackley, Oxfordshire, while plans for a new subway are finalised.

Network Rail has closed another level crossing, this time at Tackley station in Oxfordshire, and replaced it by a temporary footbridge as part of its continuing effort to make the railway safer.

The crossing has been the scene of repeated misuse, with 15 incidents reported in the last 18 months. The footbridge that replaces it is a temporary structure as Network Rail develops plans to create a subway, which would also be wheelchair accessible. It is expected these plans will be shared with the community later this year.

Meanwhile. passengers and walkers will be able to use the new footbridge to access Platform 2 at the station or to walk the bridleway to the east of the village.

Mike Gallop, Network Rail.

Mike Gallop, Network Rail’s Western route director, said: “I am really pleased we have been able to close the level crossing and offer the public a route across the railway via the new footbridge.

“Level crossings are safe when used correctly, but this is a step in the right direction as we develop our plans for a subway, which will be accessible for everyone.

“We thank the community in Tackley for their support and look forward to working with them on the permanent subway.”

Richard Macrory, Tackley resident and former rail representative of the parish council, said: “Alongside Robin Gibbons of the parish council, we’ve been working on this issue for over ten years and are delighted to see all the hard work has finally paid off.

“Passengers and other residents will at last be able to cross the line in safety.  We will now work, constructively with Network Rail to secure the permanent solution.”

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