Manny (Manjinder) Kang, a Network Rail signaller, has been nominated for a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain award after raising more than £40,000 for Dementia UK.
A life-long Wolverhampton Wanderers supporter, Manny originally set out to raise £5,000 for his chosen charity. He mobilised his fellow football fans and Network Rail staff through selling thousands of samosas, running and cycling for hundreds of miles and by raffling signed football shirts and Wolves memorabilia.
As a result of all that hard work, he has now raised eight times his original target, having reached the £40,000 mark, and has been nominated for the Pride of Britain award by a football fan he’s never met but who has followed his altruistic efforts on social media.
Manny was surprised by the reaction: “It’s a real honour to have been nominated for this award but I really feel like what I’m doing is completely normal. Everyone has within them the ability to help other people when they’re in need, and all they need to do is tap into it.
“It amazes me that so many people can now do that by following my fundraising challenges to help a charity as important to me as Dementia UK. It is a young charity and they need help and their support is vital, so I just felt passionate about helping a charity that is growing.”
Dementia UK regional fundraising executive Anna McNee added: “We are thrilled that Manny has been nominated for the Pride of Britain Award. Not only has Manny raised an incredible amount for Dementia UK, but he has also helped to spread awareness of the Admiral Nurse service and become one of our highly valued Volunteer Ambassadors.
“We would like to thank Manny for helping us to achieve our aim of ensuring that every family who needs it can have access to a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse.”
To find out more about Manny’s ongoing fundraising, visit
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