Network Rail has announced that three-quarters of its supply chain have, by emissions, committed to setting their own science-based emissions targets.
In October 2020, Network Rail became the first railway company to set independently verified Science Based Targets in support of the UK Government’s target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. It challenged its suppliers to set their own as manufacturing and construction companies generate around two-thirds of the railway’s emissions.
Since then, Network Rail has worked with its partners in setting their own targets and will support in monitoring and measuring their performance to encourage shared learning.
Network Rail commercial and procurement strategy director Ripesh Patel said: ““I’d like to say thank you to our suppliers, who have shown genuine enthusiasm and desire to do their part in bolstering rail’s position as the greenest form of transport. Rail is already a very environmentally friendly way to travel, however, we can do more and need our suppliers’ help to become an industry powered by renewable energy.
“Seeing this level of commitment is a really important step on our journey towards a better, more sustainable railway for the future, and we’re looking forward to working with our suppliers to identify improvement opportunities and standardise the recording and reporting of their targets.”
In collaboration with National Highways, HS2, HS1, TFL, and East West Rail, and to encourage suppliers to set targets and cut emissions, Network Rail has run four cross-industry Science Based Target workshops over the past 18 months. These have been focused on providing the supply chain with practical information to help them on their journey to cut emissions. The four workshops were attended by 1,925 people and have played a key role in helping suppliers to set their own targets.
Targets adopted by companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science says is necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement: limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and making efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.
Science Based Targets form a key part of Network Rail’s comprehensive Environmental Sustainability Strategy, which sets out a clear pathway for a better, greener railway for Britain.
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