Harsco Rail, the global supplier of innovative railway track maintenance products and services, has signed a $10.3 million (£8 million) contract with Hungarian infrastructure manager MÁV FKG Kft-t to provide it with an EU 20-stone rail grinder.
The first-ever grinder order to be placed by Hungarian Railways, this now adds Hungary to a long list of countries that have been using Harsco rail grinders for years.
Rail grinders are used to both reprofile worn rails and to remove small surface defects which can lead to larger problems if left. Steel wheels running on steel track can produce the phenomenon known as rolling-contact fatigue (RCF) – tiny cracks which, if allowed to propagate, can break rails and then cause derailments and accidents.
The model RGH20C2 20-stone grinder removes surface defects on rails and re-profiles the rail head on both rails. It is one of the most technologically advanced grinders working today and is fully compliant with all European standards. It easily grinds both plain line track and switches and crossings (S&C) without any modifications and has both rail profile (transversal and longitudinal) measurement system and head checking measurement system installed.
Powered by an environmentally friendly Category V diesel engine, the Harsco rail grinder can operate almost anywhere, though smaller versions are available for operation in underground-railway tunnels and on tram networks.
Harsco Rail president Jeswant Gill said: “We’re very pleased to expand our partnership with Hungarian Railways.
“This award demonstrates Hungarian Railways’ confidence in Harsco Rail as a valued partner capable of delivering class-leading performance with our innovative and technologically advanced products.”
Harsco Rail provides sales and engineering support and maintenance from locations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Brazil, China and Australia.
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