Hungarian Railways exercises option for four additional tram-trains from Stadler

Hungarian operator MÁV-START has exercised its option for an additional four Stadler Citylink tram-trains.

MÁV-START, the Hungarian passenger service operator, has exercised its option and ordered an additional four bi-mode tram-trains from Swiss manufacturer Stadler.

The original contract was placed in 2017 for eight Citylink vehicles to operate the first tram-train system in Hungary, between the cities of Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely.

The first eight units are expected to enter commercial service by the autumn of 2021, while the additional four units will be in service by the summer of 2022.

The new bidirectional vehicles will connect the tram networks of Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely, providing a high-quality publi- transportation system for passengers commuting between the two cities. The initial eight vehicles will run a service between the two cities every 20 minutes, reducing to every 15 minutes once the additional four vehicles are delivered.

Able to operate in electric mode under the 600V DC overhead supplies on the tram networks in Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely, the new bi-mode tram-trains will run in diesel mode on the mainline connecting the two cities. Each tram-train will have two low-emissions diesel power packs, rated at 390 kW.

They will also be able to negotiate tight curves of 22 metres radius, so as to operate on the curved streets of city centres.

To account for varying platform heights, the doors on the vehicles are positioned at varying heights and are equipped with sliding ramps.

Designed and to be manufactured by Stadler Valencia, the new tram-trains are 37.2 metres long and 2.65 metres wide. They will have a capacity of 220 passengers, with 92 seated and four multi-purpose spaces for persons of limited mobility,  such as wheelchair users and parents with prams. . The vehicles are low-floor throughout and barrier-free with spacious interiors and are to be fitted with air conditioning, CCTV and passenger information systems.

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